Field and Tactical Medical Training/Consulting

Medicine X EDC

Medicine X-EDC

After the huge success of our regular “Medicine X” course and the continued request from our students; we have created the next evolution of civilian tactical medical training… “Medicine X – EDC (Every Day Carry)”

This two-day course was developed for those that wanted to learn how to identify and treat life-threatening injuries related to violent attacks; but from a civilian concealed carry perspective.  If you’ve taken “Medicine X” before you’ve learned how to work from your chest rig, plate carrier, body armor, etc.  Well, what about when you’re not wearing all that kit?  How do you carry the contents of an IFAK without the pouch?  How do we “run & gun” while in jeans and a T-shirt?

That is exactly what you’ll learn in this class.  We’ll show students the different options in wearing and using your medical kit as part of your “every day carry” (EDC) gear.  No matter if you are a concealed handgun license holder, an officer in plain clothes, or even working on a low-profile detail; this course was created with you in mind.  That being said, we expect you to train as you’d fight and fight as you’ve trained… i.e. wear what you normally would wear on a day to day basis. All students must conceal their firearm and firearm accessories during class, unless specified by the instructor.    Students will learn through lectures, plenty of hands-on skills practice, and multiple live-fire scenarios throughout the course. 

Subjects covered in class:
- Principles of tactical medicine
- Wound patterns of violent attacks
- Manual patient drags and carry methods
- Rapid trauma assessments
- Modern hemorrhage control techniques
- Thermal burns and blast injuries
- Identify and treat for shock
- Thoracic injuries; pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax
- Medical equipment selection
- EDC carry options for medical equipment

Each student must fall into one of the following categories in order to participate in any “Medicine X” coursework:
1. Be current military or law enforcement.
2. Must have already completed formal defensive firearms training from an approved instructor/company. You may be asked to provide proof of training with application.
4. Must be 18 years or older and legally allowed to own/possess a firearm.
3. NON-Shooting students may attend and participate in the class, however they will not be allowed to handle any firearm at any time during class/scenarios. These non-shooting participants must be 18 years of age or older and accompanied with another student who meets one of the above prerequisites that is enrolled in the same class. (Basically, if your buddy is into shooting and you’re not, you can still come take the class together. You just can’t handle a firearm.)